
Also Known As: Prednisolone, Prelone syrup

Prednisolone is the active metabolite of prednisone, which is also used as a drug.

Prednisolone is a corticosteroid drug with predominant glucocorticoid and low mineralocorticoid activity, making it useful for the treatment of a wide range of inflammatory and auto-immune conditions[2] such as asthma[3], uveitis, pyoderma gangrenosum, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, temporal arteritis and Crohn's disease, Bell's palsy, multiple sclerosis,[4] cluster headaches, vasculitis, acute lymphoblastic leukemia and autoimmune hepatitis,[5] systemic lupus erythematosus, and dermatomyositis. It is also used for treatment of sarcoidosis, though the mechanism is unknown.

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