
Also Known As: Bupivacaine, Sensorcaine, Marcaine, Marcain

Bupivacaine (rINN) is a local anaesthetic drug belonging to the amino amide group. AstraZeneca commonly markets it under various trade names, including Marcain, Marcaine, Sensorcaine and Vivacaine.

Bupivacaine is indicated for local anesthesia including infiltration, nerve block, epidural, and intrathecal anesthesia. Bupivacaine often is administered by epidural injection before total hip arthroplasty. It also is commonly injected to surgical wound sites to reduce pain for up to 20 hours after the surgery. Sometimes, bupivacaine is co-administered with epinephrine to prolong the duration of its action, fentanyl for epidural analgesia, or glucose.

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Created with Highstock 2.0.4Average EffectivenessReported Ailments01234
Created with Highstock 2.0.4% of People who Reported Side EffectsSide Effects020406080100

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