
Also Known As: Knee tendinitis, Lateral Epicondylitis, Tennis Elbow, Elbow Tendinitis, Tendinitis, Tendonitis, Knee tendonitis, Hip tendinitis, Hip Tendonitis, Shoulder tendinitis, Shoulder tendonitis, Foot tendonitis, Foot tendinitis, Medial epicondylitis, Wrist tendonitis, Wrist tendinitis, Achilles tendinitis , Achilles tendonitis

Tendinitis (informally also tendonitis), meaning inflammation of a tendon (the suffix -itis denotes diseases characterized by inflammation), is a type of tendinopathy often confused with the more common tendinosis, which has similar symptoms but requires different treatment. The term tendinitis should be reserved for tendon injuries that involve larger-scale acute injuries accompanied by inflammation. Generally tendinitis is referred to by the body part involved, such as Achilles tendinitis (affecting the Achilles tendon), or patellar tendinitis (jumper's knee, affecting the patellar tendon).

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